Monday, August 6, 2007

Thanks "J"

OK, so this has to be one of the sweetest families that I know!!

They are so in sync with each other and the love that they have for this little girl is AMAZING!! Need I say more....

I LOVED working with little "J"!! She absolutely loves the camera and is just so easy to work with.

SHE had lots of suggestions (which cracked her mom and I up) and we went along with them. We came out with some beautiful shots, thanks J!!.

I enjoyed her so much because often times I am chasing kids that are saying "NO"! Don't get me wrong, I love the challenge of that too!!

She went from the golf course to just a matter of minutes.

An absolute true beauty!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Behind on posting!!! blog has been a little neglected lately.
I have been BUSY with summer sessions and loving it. I've worked with some of the greatest, not to mention most BEAUTIFUL kids lately.

I feel like I've had some great "playdates" and found new locations for fabulous pictures along the way.

I've also been busy giving my website a fresh new look, I hope that you like it!!

It's not too early... to think about booking your fall session. I will soon open my fall calendar, the weekend appointments go quickly so please book early.

I'll try to be a better blogger, here are some of my favorites from recent sessions....