Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to All of the moms out there!

This morning, I woke up to ", wake up" I opened my eyes to see my 7 year old with this......

How could I not possibly smile?!?! He said "I made this just for you, Happy Mother's Day!"

Of course, then I wanted to cry!

It's amazing how fast they grow up and the moments that we cherish when they are newborns and toddlers somehow fade with the blink of an eye; one day, they are saying and doing things that you could never imagine.

To a mom, moments like this are priceless! ( Even though he spilled milk & cheerios in my bed and on the stairway getting into the bedroom:) Still priceless!

(And for the record.....I do not usually use THAT much butter on my bagel;)

I can't wait to see what the rest of the day brings because my daughter that's 5 was very dissapointed that she didn't get to share in "mom's breakfast in bed" experience. I'm sure that she'll come up with her own special idea! I can't wait!

Here's a little tribute to some of the simply AMAZING mom's that I have had the pleasure of working with. Enjoy your day!

I didn't have a picture of just mom with the girls BUT he's a pretty amazing dad!

Believe it or not, this is a grandma. Beautiful! Until next time~T

Friday, May 9, 2008

I love it when....

I absolutely love it when we can capture moments of our kids being,! We all know that the moments that we share with them are full of ups and downs so why would the day be any different just because they're getting their picture taken? When mommy saw the picture in the middle, she said "Oh,that's so Jack"

My clients are figuring out that, that's my style...
Of course, I love the beaming smiles but I'll take a frowny face too as long as it genuine. Until next time~T